Thursday, March 1, 2012

My Day Yesterday

I'm not sure what it is, but lately I've been itching to create something. Maybe it's the fact that I work in a cubicle somewhere between 9 and 13 hours a day. Or maybe it's the fact that I got my first DSLR camera about 3 months ago and haven't gotten to really put it to use yet. Either way, I've been dying to create something. Anything.

I got the idea for this video from a guy named Carlos Whittaker. Carlos is a christian singer/songwriter and worship pastor as well as a blogger. Plus, he won a People's Choice award last year for this video. I have to admit that I don't actually listen to Carlos' music, or even read his blog much. But I came across a series of videos that he made called "My Day Yesterday". The premise is that you take a bunch of clips that are just a few seconds long and throw them together to show how you spent your day. No editing, no music, just a bunch short clips thrown together. His rule is only 90 seconds. I broke that one.

I have wanted to do this for awhile but I kept thinking that my day was just too boring to be a good video. Most days I literally drive to work, sit in a cubicle, drive home, and spend the couple hours I have before going to bed watching TV or surfing the internet. That actually ended up being part of the fun. It was challenging coming up with lots of ways to portray my boring and menial tasks throughout the day. Actually, the best part of my day (having dinner with my mom) ended up hardly making it in the video because I was more interested in spending time with her than getting cool shots. Plus, I didn't want to take my camera into Chuy's :-)

So check out my day yesterday and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Unknown said...
I think it will be help you! :)