Sunday, May 10, 2009

Finals Time

Well it's almost the end of the semester and I'm in full-fledged final-studying mode. Or, at least I have lots of time devoted to studying...I'm sure how productive I'm being. Exhibit A: I'm sitting with my tax book in front of me but instead of working problems about the taxation of partnerships, I'm typing this blog entry.

Dead week/finals week can be both my favorite and least favorite time of the semester. Usually during dead week I don't study much. So basically, it's just college without the class. It doesn't get much better than that. This semester, though, my grades going in to my finals aren't quite what I'd like them to be so I've been more proactive with my study schedule. Don't get me wrong, my grades aren't bad. But I'm definitely not going to be getting a 4.0 this semester. I don't always achieve it, but an A is always my goal in each class and I'm always a little disappointed when I don't get it.

I took a Management final yesterday and in order to get an A in the class I needed to get a 97 on the final. Yeah, that didn't happen. I have a final in Accounting Information Systems (sounds fun, doesn't it?) on Monday that shouldn't be too bad but then on Tuesday I have a final in Tax (not TAKS, although 99% of the time that's what people think I'm saying when I talk about my tax class). I really am hoping to get an A in tax because that grade will go into my accounting GPA, which in some ways I care more about than my overall GPA. Without a curve, I need to get a 107 on my final. Yes, that's out of 100 points. I'm just hoping that if I study really hard I can get a high A and he will curve it enough to bump me up. I know it's not likely, but I just can't bring myself to give up and settle for a B.

After finals are over on Tuesday I have 2 and a half weeks to kill before summer school starts up again. I will mostly be going back and forth between College Station and Dallas with maybe a visit to Austin or somewhere else in there. I have 3 office visits in Dallas but have things to do in CS between them so unfortunately I can't just stay up there. I'm looking forward to the break and being able to relax a little bit before going straight back into full-time school. I've never done summer school before (besides an online ACC class in'07 and my "study abroad" last year that mostly consisted of me hanging out with my parents) so this will definitely be a new experience for me. I'm looking forward to it. I think I will be equally as busy but just in a different way. School will be faster paced so I'll need to work to keep up but I also won't have nearly as many evening activities as I do during the school year so I will have plenty of time to just hang out with people and have fun in addition to my school work.

Well I've procrastinated enough and it's time to get back to my date with my tax book...

1 comment:

Jessica said...

i need you to keep us updated on your internship :) i'm officially following you now :)