Thursday, June 5, 2008

Headin' Out

I've had a pretty relaxing week this week hanging out with my parents and my aunt. We even made it out to the beach one day. It was a very windy day and my dad and I got to fly a couple kites that he bought from Ebay. My mom, my aunt (my mom's sister), and I are leaving in about 5 minutes to take an all night train to Athens and we leave from Athens tomorrow morning for a 3-day cruise around some of the Greek islands. I'm really excited and will have to write all about it when I get back as well as post some pictures.

I'll leave you with this picture of a game of Scrabble that my mom and I recently played at my parents' favorite Starbucks. OK, so we didn't actually play but we had fun writing Greek words (yes, those are real Greek words). Also, the top word is my Greek name and the word in the top right corner is my mom's Greek name.

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