Monday, July 28, 2008


For the past 16 months, home has been a very relative term for me. Although I moved around quite a bit when I was little, I would say that I “grew up” in Austin. From the summer before I was in 4th grade until I graduated from high school I lived in Austin and continued going “home” to Austin during my freshmen year of college. When my parents moved away last April after living there for 10 years, I felt like Austin would still always be my home. After spending last summer doing an internship there, I realized that although there are a lot of people in Austin that still care about me, it’s just not quite the same anymore.

My friends there have changed, and more than anything, I’ve changed. The truth is, I’m just not the same person I was when I graduated from high school. I still love the people that I lived my life with for so many years, but that’s just not where I’m at anymore. I’ve moved on and made new friends, found a new church and really developed a new “family.”

It’s always interesting when right around finals time, or before Thanksgiving or Spring Break, people ask me the question “So when are you going home?”

I’m never quite sure how to answer that question. I usually say something along the lines of “Well…I’m not exactly going ‘home,’ but I’m leaving College Station on the 12th.”

All of my A&M friends live in College Station just like me – except if you ask them where home is, they tell you the place where they went to high school, where their parents live, and where they go during the breaks from school. Unfortunately for me, those are three different places.

The truth is, I don’t really know what to call home anymore. I was thinking about this today since I’m leaving tomorrow to go back to America. It’s so strange to be leaving the country where my parents are, to go back “home.” Austin was my home for so long, but its not really anymore. Greece is where my parents live, and where I’ve spent the last 10 weeks, but it certainly doesn’t feel like home. College Station is where I live, where my friends are and where I spend the majority of my time – but can I really call it my home?

Luckily, by the grace of God, I live 9 months out of the year in a place that I love – where I have friends that care for me, ministries that I’m involved in, an incredible church family, and where I go to the best school in the world. I will be flying into Dallas late on Tuesday night, staying the night with my aunt and then driving back to College Station on Wednesday. Even though Tuesday will be extremely sad saying goodbye to my parents, knowing that I won’t see them for at least 5 more months if not longer; I am so excited to get back to the place that I feel like is truly my home – at least for now.

1 comment:

Steph said...

AMY! I didn't know you had a blog... about to get a cup of coffee and settle in for a good read. :)

I'm linking you to mine now...

Miss ya!