Well it's been 6 months since I last posted on this blog. This hiatus was somewhat intentional, but nonetheless I thought I'd give a quick update.
Last time I wrote I had just gone to an informational for the PPA program, the 5-year professional accounting program at A&M. Well, turns out I applied for the program, got accepted and am in the middle of the recruiting process for internships now. I had 1 interview this past week with Protiviti (a risk and business consulting firm) and have 4 interviews coming up this week with all of the "Big 4" public accounting firms. If these firms like me, I'll go through a process of recruiting where they will host lots of events and I'll get to meet their people and get a feel for the culture of each company and hopefully end up with an office visit in May. After office visits they will extend job offers. If all goes according to plan I should be spending the fall semester in Dallas working at one of these firms.
What's cool about having an internship this fall is that I will get a small taste of the real world. I'll have a real job working on real clients doing real accounting work (scary but true) but then I will get to go back and be in college again for another year and a half. I love college and am not in a hurry to get out anytime soon so I'm really glad I don't graduate for another 2 years!
Another cool thing is that I'm in Austin right now hanging out with my parents. They are here just for a week, doing a conference over the weekend, so they will be flying back to Greece on Monday. They actually will be coming back semi-permanently (meaning they don't currently have any plans to go back overseas but things are still up in the air) on June 1 so I'm excited about that! They will be temporarily living in Brenham, TX which is only about a 45 minute drive from College Station. It will definitely be an adjustment to go from being 6000 miles away from them to being 50 miles away but I'm still happy that they'll be close by.
If anyone reads this and wants to keep up with me I wouldn't necessarily suggest relying on this blog since I clearly don't update very often. I recently decided to try out Twitter and although I don't really know if I'll stick with it, I can pretty much guarantee that it will get updated more than this. The twitter updates are short and sweet but it should give you a feel for what's going on in my life. To check out my twitter go to http://www.twitter.com/amylmarks