Anyone that knows me knows that the biggest commitment for the last 9 months of my life has been Impact. Last week, 9 months of preparation came together at a 4 day retreat for incoming freshmen at Texas A&M. I have been on Impact staff for the last 2 years and have experienced a lot of ups and downs in the positions I have been in. Both years, however, I have realized coming away from the retreat that everything that we did to prepare whether I thought it was necessary or totally stupid, all of it was worth it when I saw and spent time with my freshmen. I consider both retreats to be some of the best times of my life. Probably my favorite part about Impact, though, is the fact that the relationships don’t stop at the retreat. The entire next semester (more or less) will be spent pouring into the freshmen in our camp and doing everything we can to make sure that they have an incredible beginning to their experience in college.
I spent the evening Thursday night hanging out with my camp and we had a really great time. ALL of my counselors/prayer teamers came (which is incredible considering their collective attendance record in the spring ☺) and a lot of the freshmen made it out too. Although this was our first and currently only official hangout, I’ve been hanging out with my partner and various other Impact people every night this week and have been having the time of my life with them. (On a side note, school starts next week but the week before school in the fall is one of the best weeks of the year because everyone is in town but no one has school so its always lot of fun.) We were all friends and spent some time together in the spring but spending 4 days together doing what we did at Impact really made us feel like family.
Something that I have been able to say a lot this week, which I really love is to tell people is “I’ll see you soon” and know that it’s true. I’ve had to say a lot of “goodbyes” in the last couple of years but I love being back in College Station with everyone and knowing that I can (and usually will) see them again any time. I love knowing that these people that I’ve grown to love will still be there for me when I need them and they’re just a phone call, text, or facebook message away. I really have come to love living in College Station and spending time with the amazing people here and I’m very much looking forward to seeing what this next semester will bring.